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Does the Shroud for the Real Kriss Vector work for the KWA GBB Airsoft Vector?

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Does the Shroud for the Real Kriss Vector work for the KWA GBB Airsoft Vector? Empty Does the Shroud for the Real Kriss Vector work for the KWA GBB Airsoft Vector?

Post by Rogue Fri Feb 03, 2017 6:18 pm

or any of the real guns parts for that matter?

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Does the Shroud for the Real Kriss Vector work for the KWA GBB Airsoft Vector? Empty Re: Does the Shroud for the Real Kriss Vector work for the KWA GBB Airsoft Vector?

Post by Tangent Thu Feb 23, 2017 6:46 pm

Hi Rogue,
The enhanced shroud would not work on a 5.5 barrel. In frame lights and side rail kits should work.

Laudir Agus Mir


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Does the Shroud for the Real Kriss Vector work for the KWA GBB Airsoft Vector? Empty Re: Does the Shroud for the Real Kriss Vector work for the KWA GBB Airsoft Vector?

Post by Rogue Fri Jul 28, 2017 8:18 am

Thank you cx

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Age : 26
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Does the Shroud for the Real Kriss Vector work for the KWA GBB Airsoft Vector? Empty Re: Does the Shroud for the Real Kriss Vector work for the KWA GBB Airsoft Vector?

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