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What is the height of the BUIS?

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What is the height of the BUIS?  Empty What is the height of the BUIS?

Post by jdw67 Thu Aug 09, 2012 2:58 pm

Can I use regular AR sights?

Thanks in advance


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What is the height of the BUIS?  Empty Re: What is the height of the BUIS?

Post by Solscud007 Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:41 pm

Only if you swap out the front post. The KRISS front sight post is shorter.

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What is the height of the BUIS?  Empty Re: What is the height of the BUIS?

Post by jdw67 Thu Aug 09, 2012 10:02 pm

Darn, so I'd have to order an entire set...


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What is the height of the BUIS?  Empty Re: What is the height of the BUIS?

Post by mambro Fri Aug 10, 2012 1:13 am

The rear sight is the same as the AR. You might be able to get a replacement front sight post and shorten it... unless somebody could tell us with certainty what the measurement is to possibly order one to spec. Are you in need of sights for your Vector or just thinking of different options?

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What is the height of the BUIS?  Empty Re: What is the height of the BUIS?

Post by jdw67 Fri Aug 10, 2012 1:21 pm

Just thinking of different options. But, I'm confused that the rear is the standard AR sight, but the front is shorter? Wouldn't that throw off the sight alignment?


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What is the height of the BUIS?  Empty Re: What is the height of the BUIS?

Post by mambro Fri Aug 10, 2012 1:30 pm

The front post is slightly shorter to deal with the .45ACP versus the .223/5.56 capabilities. That's what I was told by a KRISS USA 'smith. I didn't think to ask him at the time for exactly what the height difference is. So far we have not been able to get a member with digital calipers to take an actual reading for us. (Previous threads.)

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