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Dumb question - Lever to release the bolt.. what is the other direction for?

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Dumb question - Lever to release the bolt.. what is the other direction for? Empty Dumb question - Lever to release the bolt.. what is the other direction for?

Post by cafox Wed Dec 26, 2012 7:18 pm

Ok, don't laugh at me too much.. the lever that releases the bolt when you push it forward.. what does it do when you push on the other end of it?

I assume it locks the bolt or something.. what is it's purpose and under what circumstances would you want to use it?

Dumb question - Lever to release the bolt.. what is the other direction for? Kriss_10


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Join date : 2012-12-24

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Dumb question - Lever to release the bolt.. what is the other direction for? Empty Re: Dumb question - Lever to release the bolt.. what is the other direction for?

Post by nih Wed Dec 26, 2012 8:15 pm

pull the lever back, press the "other way" on bolt release to lock the bolt back..reasons to lock bolt a you can later release the bolt and chamber a round.


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Dumb question - Lever to release the bolt.. what is the other direction for? Empty Re: Dumb question - Lever to release the bolt.. what is the other direction for?

Post by Solscud007 Thu Dec 27, 2012 9:21 pm

Yep. That is to lock the bolt. I do it all the time when I load my Vector. I have had too many failures when I load a full mag. The catch doesnt seat properly and I think the mag is in, then when i go to shoot noting happens and the mag falls out haha.

So I make it a habit to never load a full mag on a closed bolt. Some ranges require bolts/action to stay open when not firing. That is another reason.

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Dumb question - Lever to release the bolt.. what is the other direction for? Empty Re: Dumb question - Lever to release the bolt.. what is the other direction for?

Post by cafox Fri Dec 28, 2012 2:03 am

Ok, thanks for the info...

Solscud, I saw the video where your mag kept falling out.. looked frustrating.


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Join date : 2012-12-24

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